Monday, July 12, 2010

Really Really Really Ready =)

Talked to the FBI again today, and found out my fingerprints were a go this time! They should be here on Wednesday or Thursday!!! That's the last stress done & gone!

Thanking God for taking that stress off of me this morning.

We are really really ready now!

Just a little update---My FBI clearance letter came today (7/13/10). It's now on it's way to Gladney =)


Beth said...

Are you ready yet?? :) Hope this week goes by REALLLY QUICK!!!! And make sure you post pics RIGHT AWAY of the whole family together!! I can't wait to see them!!!

em and pete said...

Yay! That's so exciting. I was praying for you to get those quickly. Can't wait to see pictures of your little girl in your arms.