Monday, January 7, 2008

2007 Year in Review--June

I went Hiking for the first time. We did 20 miles in 2 days. Carried all our supplies on our backs. It was quite an experience. I had never been before, and Joy was 5 months pregnant :0)
We are women hear us roar :0)

The view at the top was beautiful.

This is the cabin we hiked up to, and spent the night in. It was absolutely primative.

We had sleeping mats, but these were the bunks we slept on.

Also in June:
  • My in-laws celebrated their 41st anniversary.
  • VBS--Game Day Central


Jeanne said...

You go, girl! Was that LeConte that you hiked?

Kelly said...

It was not Leconte, and to be honest I can not think of the name of the place. It was in McMinnville? I think. Not too far from here. I'll have to ask my neighbor the name again.