Friday, November 16, 2007

What's been happening . . .

Well, as usual, we have stayed quite busy around here.
Last Friday night, the boys helped me make corn casserole, and chocolate cake for Room @ the Inn. It is a ministry of our church: We took our part of the meal to church, and shared it w/homeless men from the Nashville area. It was a humbling experience. The boys were playing around w/the guys, and played some checkers. Talked about school/life. It was something I'd like to do more often. Fortunately/Unfortunately--there are so many people that want to participate, there are no other spots for us to sign up for :-( I told the coordinator to call me if any came available.
After church, we went to Emily's 9th birthday party. She was kind enough to save the pinata, until the boys got there. That is there favorite part of birthdays. I hear Emily is wearing out the "Troy" slippers I found her. :0) Got to wish my niece, Halie, a Happy Birthday on Sunday. She is in RI. Unfortunately, we don't get to visit often, and don't get to talk much either. We are going to try to start writing. I talked to the boys about it, and they are excited to have pen pals. Carlie and Halie :-)
I ended up working Saturday, because they had cancelled me on Tuesday. Tim also had to work, so the kids hung out w/Grandma. Tim has been working a lot of overtime. Don't get me wrong it is a good time of year for extra $, but he hates working extra. It makes him slightly cranky :0). They are working again tomorrow :-( Thankfully, I will be off. I worked my usual Sunday night/Tuesday night this week.
Wednesday night, the boys & I went to church. Seth's class sang a couple Christmas songs. We haven't been going regularly on Wednesdays, so I didn't have him perform. He wouldn't have liked it. He's kind of shy about stuff like that. Anyway, after the kids sang, everyone helped pack shoe boxes for
Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan's Purse sends shoe boxes, or shoebox size totes w/small toys, school supplies, soap, washcloths, toothpaste, etc. all over the world to children that would otherwise not have anything for Christmas. During VBS this summer, the kids made "Jesus Loves You" Bears. One went into each box. It started out a little crazy--the boys get a little over excited in crowds, and I had not slept very much, :0). It turned out to be a nice experience.
There are so many needs, not only this time of year, but they just seem to be pointed out more during this season. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed. I really want the boys to serve. Not JUST out of obedience, but because they see how much need there is, and WANT to make a difference. I want to make a difference, and pray that God keeps me on track.
This morning, Seth & I headed off to Coy's school for awards day. He got perfect attendance. He got a gift certificate to Fazoli's & free ice cream from the cafeteria at school. Pretty good motivation to show up everyday :-)
Winding down the week . . . Tim was kind enough last night to tuck the boys in by himself, so I could go hang out w/Darby & Kristi for a little while. We had some YUMMY dessert--just because :0). It was the highlight of my week. :0)
That about sums it up. Need to get back to cleaning. . . FUN--FUN Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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