Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Wish I Could Tell AGB Happy Mother's Day

As I rocked my sweet girl to sleep tonight, I prayed for her birth mother (AGB). I do this often, but tonight was one of those times I got teary eyed. How blessed I am to have the privledge of rocking sweet Gloria Grace, kissing her soft forehead & telling her how much I love her, and how much Jesus loves her.

Praying that AGB is able to have a wonderful Mother's Day Celebration with Gloria Grace's Colombian siblings.


Anonymous said...

Do you know if they celebrate Mother's Day in Colombia? What a sweet blog..... and what a SWEET Mother's Day for you and me both!

Emily said...

I pray a lot for Ava's birth mom, too! Totally understand the depth of emotion. :) Hope you guys are all doing well!!

Kelly said...

Linda, I am not sure if they celebrate the way we do, but it is listed as a holiday on the Colombian calander.