Never a dull moment. Always something happening. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. All of it together is What We Are Here For . . .
Thursday, December 31, 2009
We also said goodbye to Lourdes. That was harder than I ever imagined. When we agreed to host an exchange student, I was more worried about if she would fit into our family. I wasn't sure what I would do if she missed her family so badly & she didn't like us. How dare I doubt that God would give us anyone less than a perfect fit for our family! Lourdes was such a wonderful addition to our family & we will count her as family, always.
I am excited to see what God has planned for us in 2010.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Some Things Make Me Smile & Cry @ the Same Time
This was on Coy's Christmas "wish" list:
- "to see G.G. :D #1 thing =) =) =)"
- "for kids to have a present on Cristmisst day"
I smiled & then I cried.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Another something that makes me happy, is that God called our family to adopt. I am thankful for the feeling deep within that makes me long to see my daughter's face & know who she is. I am thankful for how our family has grown spiritually in the journey of adoption & look forward to the plans God has for us in bringing Gloria Grace home =)
Blessings to you & your family on Thanksgiving & always ♥
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Another Hamster Bites the Dust :(
If you have been reading my blog for any time now, you might remember my post from May 2008. Coy's hamster had gotten out of his cage. It ended up dying in our air vent. We paid an air duct cleaning company $650.00 to come clean our vents & retrieve the body. The guy showed me where they found it. Turns out the hamster was just behind a panel in the furnace in the garage. Well, I'll give you one guess where poor Sniffy was found today :( I am thankful that the guy showed me where he found Stewart Little & I'm thankful for my father-in-law coming & taking the panel off our furnace for free, because I really have much better things to do w/$650.00....
Hopefully we'll need it to be buying plane tickets to Colombia soon. No we don't have any new news, but we're hopeful :)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Seriously...We Are Totally Ready for Our Referral =)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We'd Love a Referral in November--It Is National Adoption Month =)
I love how God has put this love in my heart for a little girl that I don't even know anything about. I don't know how old she is, what she looks like, where she is exactly (maybe she is @ Chiquitines, but maybe she's not there yet). She may not even be born yet, but still I love her.
I love hearing the boys pray for their little sister. There isn't much that is sweeter, if you ask this momma =)
There are so many things that are hard to explain to people, when I'm trying to share our story. I have learned though, that some people just don't get "it." Countless times I have been asked why we are going to Colombia, and why we are not adopting here @ "home." Really people just don't get "it." I am thankful that God has made it clear to us, that our daughter is in Colombia.
Now, I just have to be patient & wait for the details of the rest of our journey. We know that we will not be traveling in 2009, because the courts in Colombia close Dec. 15th to Jan. 15th. There is still a possibility that we will get our referral this year & then we would travel when the courts opened in January. This is our prayer.
Have I ever told ya'll how hard waiting is? =)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
50th Day of 1st Grade & Pumpkin Carving
Friday, October 2, 2009
3 Teeth in 1 Week--The Tooth Fairy Needs a Loan :)
I thought I would throw this picture of Coy on here, since I've posted so much about Seth lately. Don't want to leave Coy out, plus it is so sweet. I worked Wednesday & had a really long & hard day. I didn't get home until the boys had already gone to bed & were sleeping. I went to kiss them goodnight & this is how I found Coy. It looks like he fell asleep praying. I am sure he was asking God to bring his sister home ASAP :o)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Two Teeth in Two Days :o)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Seth Lost His 3rd Tooth
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Always Thinking About Gloria Grace
I remind myself daily (most often much more often than daily) that God's timing is perfect. I have actually posted that line & commented it to people a lot. While it is very easy to say, it is sometimes hard to be at peace with it. I fully believe the truth that is God's word, and His word has proof that His timing IS perfect. I know in my heart that when our time comes to meet Gloria Grace it will be the perfect time, because IT WILL BE the time God has already chosen. I rest in that truth, but my mind still wanders...
Some of the things I am constantly wondering . . .
- Is SHE already @ the orphanage?
- Has Chiquitines already set our dossier aside for HER?
- How old is SHE?
- Will SHE be home for Christmas?
- Will SHE sleep in a crib or a bed?
- Is HER hair curly or straight?
- Does SHE have a blankie & animal, like Seth?
- Does SHE cry at night & is anyone there to comfort HER?
Really, this list could be never ending some days. I love thinking about Gloria Grace. I love saying her name & telling people about this journey God has put before us. I love hearing the boys say her name, when they pray for her. God has blessed us in so many ways on this journey.
Dear Lord, Thank you for calling us to adoption. Thank you for thoughts of Gloria Grace. Thank you for how you have grown our family throughout this journey. May we continue to shine your light & be in the center of your will. Thank you for supportive friends & family, as we prepare for Gloria Grace's homecoming. Let everything we do be for the praise of Your Glorious Grace. In Jesus Name. Amen
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mother-Daughter Tea
111 people came today. Some probably had no idea they would be hearing so much adoption talk, but God knew exactly who needed to hear it. One little girl came up to me with her mother, and said "i'm going to tell my daddy we need to adopt." I LOVE IT!!! It is such a blessing to share our story, and when God sparks a desire from that I can't help but smile.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to my small group, Darby, Kristi, Barbara, Dana, Jennifer, Agnes, & Joy--You ladies truly do Rock!! Thank you to my dear friend Gwen, for speaking sweet words from a mother's heart. Thank you to The Ebensbergers for singing, and thank you to all the wonderful ladies who came & let us share our hearts with you.
Here are a few pictures. To see more you can go to my facebook page & look @ the Mother-Daughter Tea Album.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Save The Date--August 30th 2-4pm
Mother-Daughter Tea
August 30th 2-4pm
@ LifePoint Church in the World Cup Cafe
Snacks & tea will be served.
Singers & speakers will celebrate the special bond between mothers & daughters.
Admission is free with proceeds from photography & a love offering to support the Watson's Colombian adoption.
R.S.V.P. Darby Kimbel 423-3272 or