I feel a little guilty as I look back, and realize I haven't posted about the boys in a long time. Especially when they are up to big stuff lately! The last full day of school was last Wednesday. Coy just finished 5th grade, and his last year @ David Youree. I am now the mother of a middle schooler! YIKES!!!!!
I couldn't be more proud of the year he has had. He has become a much more independent student. He worked hard all & made Honor Roll all year long. He has been asking for a cell phone for a couple of years, but we've told him "maybe when he goes to middle school." Tim & I talked about getting him one for his birthday (which is the week school starts). We decided to go ahead & get it now~as a reward for his hard work this year.
The last full day of school we put it in his bed & called to wake him up =) He was happily surprised!
Here he is with his medals for honor roll & art club:

Seth has also done very well this year. He just finished 2cd grade. His teacher gave him the award for The Most Improved Student. After he received his award, the teacher let him come sit with me for the remainder of the assembly. The first thing he did was put his award on Gloria Grace. He is such a good big brother =)

The boys got their report cards on Friday, and our local Krispy Kreme Donuts gives up to a half dozen donuts per child for A's. I think the boys will continue their hard work next year~~That was a good HOT~Melt in your mouth~dozen donuts.