I can't seem to keep up with this blog now. Maybe it's because I have a 7 month old
CRAWLING all over the place :) Gloria Grace is totally mobile now. She started out a few weeks ago with the "army crawl." Where she would be pulling herself around, while laying on her belly. She is now able to do the hand & knees crawling, and she's getting faster everyday :) She is also a professional at sitting up on her own, and proud of it I might add. It's very cool to see the boy's amazement each time she does something new.
We've pretty much settled in to being a family of 5 :)
The boys are doing well in school, and have settled into a routine. Coy is in 5th grade & Seth is in 2cd. Mid-9 week progress reports showed that both boys are on target for a great year. Coy is excited to be in the art club this year. Seth is happy to have a few friends from last year in his class again. Both boys are looking forward to basketball starting next month.
A couple of weeks ago, Nashville hosted the Music City BBQ festival. This was one of our first outings, besides going to church. It was hot, and unfortunately we choose the wrong booth to buy BBQ from. It was the saltiest BBQ I have ever eaten. It was not good at all. To top it off, when we left the festival I backed into a car in the parking lot :( I would have to say that it wasn't the funnest day. Here are a couple of pictures @ the festival:
It's not easy to get all 3 kids to look & smile simultaneously :)

The boys had fun rolling down the hill @ River Front Park:

We traditionally camp @ Barren River State Park in Kentucky on Labor Day weekend. I remember when I told Beth, from Gladney that I wanted to be home for the boys to go to school. I also told her that we had reservations for Labor Day weekend, and I remember her saying, really? :) We would not be anywhere else :) Gloria Grace, as usual, was fabulous the whole weekend. She even slept all night in her play pen :) Here are some pictures of our wonderful weekend:
Gloria Grace loved the hammock:
Coy had to help get a branch off the top of Paw's camper:
Such a handsome little/big brother:
This is Little Ms. Gloria Grace crawling!
I will leave you with by far THE cutest set of piggy tales you have ever seen :)
I will try not to make it another 3 weeks before I post another update. I started on this one a week ago, and have worked on it 3 different times before I finally am done with it. :)