Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mother-Daughter Tea

As I sit here trying to put into words how I am feeling, I am truly speechless. Sometimes I wish I were a poetic writer, but sadly that is not one of my gifts. I am blessed, though, with the best small group ever. They did such a wonderful job organizing what started out to be more of a shower, and turned into a wonderful event for mothers & daughters.

111 people came today. Some probably had no idea they would be hearing so much adoption talk, but God knew exactly who needed to hear it. One little girl came up to me with her mother, and said "i'm going to tell my daddy we need to adopt." I LOVE IT!!! It is such a blessing to share our story, and when God sparks a desire from that I can't help but smile.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to my small group, Darby, Kristi, Barbara, Dana, Jennifer, Agnes, & Joy--You ladies truly do Rock!! Thank you to my dear friend Gwen, for speaking sweet words from a mother's heart. Thank you to The Ebensbergers for singing, and thank you to all the wonderful ladies who came & let us share our hearts with you.

Here are a few pictures. To see more you can go to my facebook page & look @ the Mother-Daughter Tea Album.
Sharing our story:
Barbara & Autumn:
Agnes: Angie, Phoebe, & Emily:
Seth, Brittany, Amanda, & My MIL Peggy:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Save The Date--August 30th 2-4pm

Mother-Daughter Tea

August 30th 2-4pm

@ LifePoint Church in the World Cup Cafe

Snacks & tea will be served.

Singers & speakers will celebrate the special bond between mothers & daughters.

Admission is free with proceeds from photography & a love offering to support the Watson's Colombian adoption.

R.S.V.P. Darby Kimbel 423-3272 or

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Coy's Birthday Has Gone On For Days :o)

Coy's birthday was Thursday & the celebration has gone on & on :o) We started the day talking to Lourdes via Skype :o) Thursday is my small group day. The mom's decided that in honor of Coy's birthday & being the last Thursday before the kiddo's went back to school we would take the kids to Jumper's Playhouse. Fun times were had by all. We had 16 kids altogether!! We left there & went to one of Coy's favorite places to eat Rocking Chair Cafe. It is a meat & 3. They have really good food & it's affordable. Thursday evening both sets of Grandparents came over for Supper Coy's favorite--(stuffed peppers straight out of the garden) & Cake. Again, Coy's favorite--Carrot cake w/cream cheese icing. Friday we took Coy & 5 of his friends to eat @ Snappy Tomato & then to see G.I. Joe. 2 of the boys spent the night. We had a campfire w/marsh mellows & the kids played for hours. They finally settled down & watched a movie on the portable DVD in a tent in the back yard. They all had a really good time. (I can't believe that I just up-loaded my pictures & realized I didn't take any pictures--NOT 1--of the campfire/tent--UGGH) I took Coy today to spend some birthday $, but he has decided to save most of it for Colombia, and only spent a Lego gift card he got to use on-line. This was definitely a memorable birthday :o)
The Birthday Boy @ Jumper's Playhouse:
Mom getting in on the fun times w/Seth & Coy: Dad had the most fun :o)
All 16 kids from our not so --Small group :o)
Coy w/his Carrot Cake:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

¡Feliz Cumpleaños Mi Hijo Mejor!

I can hardly believe we are in double digits!! 1o years ago today I was off to MTMC to deliver our first born. I had many ideas what motherhood would be like, but truly I had no idea what I was getting into :) I must say that motherhood has been nothing as I expected it to be. I am so grateful for the love & guidance of my God, and that he gave us our 1st blessing 10 years ago today. I am so thankful for this boy. I refer to him as my extreme child. He is extreme in all things & that is what makes him Coy. :o)

Happy Double Digits :o)
He's been wanting this Starwars Lego set for a long time. I got a hug & a kiss for this one!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Getting Her Room Ready

We decided to paint Gloria Grace's room the same color it already was, but to use a satin finish. We love the color & it is so easy to match things with, but it had been in flat paint & the walls got dirty so easy. The boys wanted to help me paint so badly. I wasn't sure how much of their help I could take, but I did let them each help a little :)
We took a family picture before church this morning in our new Adoption T-shirts:
Seth wanted his Kitty to be in our family picture, so instead we took one of him & kitty by themselves:)
Oh how I wish that I could say we were getting her room ready, because we knew when she would be here. At this point, we are where we were 2 months ago...No new news :( We've decided to start working on her room, even though we have no idea of our timeline from here. Our referral could come tomorrow, or many months from now. We are attempting to patiently wait, knowing God's timing is perfect. As I posted last week , we will do our best to wait honoring God & living for Him as we do.