Never a dull moment. Always something happening. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. All of it together is What We Are Here For . . .
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Adoption T-Shirts Are Here :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Waiting. . .
Seems like I say that word a million times a day. Someone will ask how's the adoption going? I'll answer "we're just waiting." :o) We are simply waiting for our little girl...well there isn't anything really simple about it. Waiting is really hard. I do realize that we originally thought we would be waiting years to bring Gloria Grace home, and now we expect that to only be months. That is wonderful, but Gloria Grace isn't home yet--so waiting is hard! My thoughts are nearly consumed of thinking about seeing her sweet face for the first time. Knowing more about her--how old is she, when is her birthday, what's her favorite toy, can she walk yet...Waiting is hard.
I heard this song on the way to work this morning. "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. As I listened to the words I began to cry (I am such a girl), God was speaking straight to my heart... Wait well my daughter! I will do my best boldly, confidently, obediently, by faith. . . I will do my best to wait serving, worshiping, and glorifying You alone.
I heard this song on the way to work this morning. "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. As I listened to the words I began to cry (I am such a girl), God was speaking straight to my heart... Wait well my daughter! I will do my best boldly, confidently, obediently, by faith. . . I will do my best to wait serving, worshiping, and glorifying You alone.
Monday, July 20, 2009
What a Beautiful Weekend
Anyone who knows the Watson family, knows we like to camp :) When we saw the weather forecast for this past weekend, we decided to take a last minute camping trip. We have never been to Cedars of Lebanon before to camp. It is only 30 minutes away, so we decided to try it out. It turned out to be a beautiful weekend. I had to work Thursday, but Tim packed up most of the stuff & headed to the campground w/the boys. I met them up there after work. The sites were really close together & set up w/only 1 adult isn't always so easy. Tim had a little mishap w/the site marker & the front bumper of his truck :( He decided that site was too small, and moved the camper. As he pulled the camper off the site, he scraped a tree along one side of the camper :( No biggy--just a little scratch. Anyway, he found another site & got set up...the rest was totally fun :) Here are the fun pictures:
Seth & Coy roasting marshmallows for smores:
I have not had Jiffy Pop in a very long time:
Seth did not make the jiffy pop! He just wanted to wear the oven mitt:
The family enjoying our popcorn:
On Saturday, Grandma & Papa, Granny & Paw, Aunt Mary Ann & Uncle Ray came to visit. All the grandparents stayed for supper & a few games of Sequence. It was such a nice weekend. I couldn't help but think about Gloria Grace. I'd see moms pushing their little girls around in strollers, and think about how hopefully soon Gloria Grace will be camping with us too. When I hear the boys praying, and they ask God to watch over G.G. in her orphanage-it melts my heart. This whole journey has been such a blessing to our entire family. We are so close to a referral, I can feel it :) Keep praying friends!
All the makings of smores--Yummy!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
¡Feliz Dieciséis Dulce! :o)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
LifePoint VBS 2009--Crocodile Dock
Ok, so I am way behind on posting the happenings of our summer. I guess it is better late than never. Good times were had by all at the Crocodile Dock. There were lots of kids @ LifePoint that week. I had the privilege of being Seth's group leader, along with 7 other little crocs. Tim was a recreation leader during both boys outside rec time. Here are a few pictures from a wild & crazy week of VBS.
Seth on wacky tacky day:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Nothing to Post :(
I feel like such a bad mom. So much has been happening & I have posted nothing. The boys have had VBS & C3 Winshape & nothing is posted...what kind of momma am I anyway. In the busyness of life I let time pass, and then I start to think, well never mind...it's too late to post about that. So, I am going to do my best to post a few pictures & fill you in on what we've been doing around here. Really we've been busy...
More to come soon :o)
More to come soon :o)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Happy Anniversary Tim
14 years ago today I married the love of my life.
I am so proud to call Tim my husband.
He is the spiritual leader of our home, a wonderful husband & father, and a great friend.
God has blessed me beyond measure, and I am grateful.
I love you Tim.
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