Internet can be a really neat place. You can meet people that you may not ever have otherwise, just by google searching for some random information. I did a post once about a nasty, yet tragic event @ our house. I titled it
"How Much Does A Hamster Cost?" I have gotten quite a few google hits on my blog from that little story. :o)
Now that we are in the process of adoption, I like to randomly search for other people doing the same. It's nice to see other people that are on similar journeys, especially when they are going to Colombia. Well just as I randomly search, sometimes so do other people. I have had a few people I would probably not have met otherwise comment on my blog. People looking for information, or already in the process of adoption. I think it is really cool how God puts these people in our path, to journey w/us---even if just for one comment :o)
A few months back,
Linda left me a comment. She had found my blog through
our agency. Both of our families are adopting from Colombia. They started the process a little more than a year before we did. They are adopting an older child, and are affectionately referring to her as "
ZaZa," until they know her real name. We are adopting "under 2," and are affectionately calling our little girl "G.G." A
new list recently came out showing referral dates in reference to when the dossier was submitted to
ZaZa's family submitted their dossier in Feb 2008. They had previously been in a younger age category, but just recently increased their age to 7. The new list shows referrals for age 7 to families that submitted their dossier Sep 2008. :o) This means their
referral could come at ANY TIME!! :o) :o) I am so excited for them, even though I just met them. Some of their friends & family have been supporting them by making bags. These are very top quality fabrics. All are
recycled & hand made. They auction the bags every week
on this blog site. A few months back I won one of the auctions. It was so fun to bid, and I love my bag. Here it is:

Now. . . Go check out this weeks bags, and help them bring
ZaZa home :o)