When Seth was about 9 months old, God gave me a peace that I was done birthing babies. I didn't think that I wouldn't have anymore children, but I knew I wasn't going to be the one giving birth. Not because of any medical issues. I just felt that I wanted to have a little girl, and the only way to assure that would be adoption. Tim & I talked about it, and I had my tubes tied. I have never once thought I wish I hadn't done that. God has given me great peace about His plan. Since then, I have been praying that if our family is to grow--God would make it possible. Tim & I have talked about adoption, and he has been reluctant. I continue to pray. Coy & Seth pray, too.
Part of the reason we are hosting a foreign exchange student, is to see how things would be w/another person in the house. The boys sharing a room, an extra mouth to feed etc. . . I know there is a huge difference between a baby/toddler, than a teen aged girl. We just thought it would be a good first step. Lourdes is not even here yet, and I already love her. I've begun thinking about the fact that we all will fall in love w/her & then she will have to go back to Spain, to her forever family.
So, Sunday @ church Tim & I are walking down the concourse to go pick up the boys from their classes. We walk by Izzy Chapman, and Tim says "when are we going to go get our little girl." My first reaction was to slap him :o). I said, "You Can't Take That Back!" We have been talking about it more seriously, and have decided to begin paperwork.
Please Pray for God's will in our journey.