I think my boys are finally on the mend, although Seth went to bed around 5:30 tonight. He still has a little bit of cold like symptoms, but hasn't run a fever since early yesterday.
The whole neighborhood is full of various yuck. There has been strep, vomitting, and chicken pox :-(
I'm looking forward to next Monday, when it is supposed to be 60º, and we can air the YUCK out of our houses--open the windows, and bring on the lysol :0)
Blog at ya later. . .
Never a dull moment. Always something happening. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. All of it together is What We Are Here For . . .
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sleep Is So Overated . . .
Now Seth is a little under the weather. Not quite sure what he's got. Thought it was probably Strep, too. He told me yesterday, when he got up--"Mommy, when I swollow my spit it hurts." He has had a fever off & on yesterday, and today. I took him to the minute clinic, and he was negative for strep. It stinks to have to wait out a virus. Started thinkin' could it be the flu? Well tonight he still has a stuffy head, but not running a fever, and otherwise acting fine. Maybe he's on the mend. I hope so.
When he was not feeling well yesterday, I started debating calling in to work last night. I hated to do it, so I went on in. I did get a 45 min nap yesterday :0). Then when he had to stay home from school again today, I slept off & on for a couple of hours. He napped a little & layed on me watching cartoons. Who needs sleep anyway? Sleep is so overated :0)
So, if I can stay awake long enough, I am off to try to catch up on reading my chronological Bible. I missed yesterday, and haven't read today.
Blog at ya later :0)
When he was not feeling well yesterday, I started debating calling in to work last night. I hated to do it, so I went on in. I did get a 45 min nap yesterday :0). Then when he had to stay home from school again today, I slept off & on for a couple of hours. He napped a little & layed on me watching cartoons. Who needs sleep anyway? Sleep is so overated :0)
So, if I can stay awake long enough, I am off to try to catch up on reading my chronological Bible. I missed yesterday, and haven't read today.
Blog at ya later :0)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Tim :0)
38 Things I Love About My Husband (in random order :0)
1. He's all mine
2. He's a great Dad
3. He loves me
4. He loves the boys
5. He is a Christ follower
6. He encourages me to pursue Missions
7. Our friendship my friend
8. He's tall
9. He provides for us
10. He takes the boys camping
11. His smile
12. He's honest
13. The funny way he laughs
14. He's a big kid
15. He's always warm
16. He doesn't mind my cold feet on him, when we get in bed.
17. He tells it like it is
18. He likes to take me on dates
19. He cares about others
20. He brings me egg rolls from work
21. He lets me nap on Sunday, after church
22. He's taking me to Romance & Roses
23. He prays for our family
24. He puts his clothes in the laundry room
25. He puts my shoes away for me
26. He allows me to work part time, so I can be home w/the boys the rest of the time
27. He's encouraging
28. His soft kiss
29. He calls me, even though he doesn't like to talk on the phone
30. He listens, well sometimes :-)
31. He's a good role model for our boys
32. He likes to just sit & watch TV, and cuddle
33. He's creative
34. He can admit when he's wrong
35. He likes to go out to eat, as much as I do
36. He reads the Bible
37. He lets me cut his hair
38. He's the one God chose for me
Tim & I started dating the summer of 1990. I was 16. We're now going on 18 years together, and I still love him with all my heart.
1. He's all mine
2. He's a great Dad
3. He loves me
4. He loves the boys
5. He is a Christ follower
6. He encourages me to pursue Missions
7. Our friendship my friend
8. He's tall
9. He provides for us
10. He takes the boys camping
11. His smile
12. He's honest
13. The funny way he laughs
14. He's a big kid
15. He's always warm
16. He doesn't mind my cold feet on him, when we get in bed.
17. He tells it like it is
18. He likes to take me on dates
19. He cares about others
20. He brings me egg rolls from work
21. He lets me nap on Sunday, after church
22. He's taking me to Romance & Roses
23. He prays for our family
24. He puts his clothes in the laundry room
25. He puts my shoes away for me
26. He allows me to work part time, so I can be home w/the boys the rest of the time
27. He's encouraging
28. His soft kiss
29. He calls me, even though he doesn't like to talk on the phone
30. He listens, well sometimes :-)
31. He's a good role model for our boys
32. He likes to just sit & watch TV, and cuddle
33. He's creative
34. He can admit when he's wrong
35. He likes to go out to eat, as much as I do
36. He reads the Bible
37. He lets me cut his hair
38. He's the one God chose for me
Tim & I started dating the summer of 1990. I was 16. We're now going on 18 years together, and I still love him with all my heart.
Happy 38th Birthday Honey!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Five years ago today, Tim & I were headed to MTMC. There was 6 inches of snow on the ground, but I was not about to miss my scheduled induction. It was a quick and easy labor & delivery. I was ready to push in no time, and had to wait on the doctor. He was in surgery w/someone, and ended up getting another Dr. to stand in for him (in surgery), because Seth wasn't going to wait much longer. I only had to push a couple of times, and he was born.
He has been such a joy. He constantly cracks me up. I am so thankful God choose me to be his mom.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Coy is Down for the Count
Coy has slept a good part of today. He woke up a few times, and got sick. I finally got him to take some phenergan, and then he kept his medicine, and a little sprite sown. His fever got worse this afternoon, and I gave him some Tylenol. He hasn't thrown up since about 1:00, but now he has broken out w/the strep rash. He's sleeping through it though. Hopefully the antibiotics will start kickin' in & he'll wake up feeling better.
Prayer Request
Please pray for Coy, as he is home sick w/strep throat. He was up in the night w/a belly ache & sore throat. He has thrown up about 7 times this morning. A rapid strep test at the Minute Clinic confirmed my mom/nursing diagnosis. On a side note--did you all know that Publix fills most antibiotics for FREE. We just got back from picking up his meds, and he took his 1st dose. He's now asleep on the couch. I am about to join him, I worked last night.
Please also pray that Seth doesn't get it. Tomorrow is his birthday. Thanks :0)
Please also pray that Seth doesn't get it. Tomorrow is his birthday. Thanks :0)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
2007 Year in Review--The Rest of the Year :0)
Well, I have already blogged most of the rest of the last year, so I'll try to make this short & sweet. This whole "year in review" got a little out of control for me :0) Anyways here goes:
- Camping trip to Salt Lick
- Seth started playing T-ball for the Angels
- My niece Carlie turned 9
- Fall Break-- Tim took the boys camping in Waynesboro
- Fourth trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
- Seth's team finished the season 10-0
- We got to help w/Room @ the Inn.
- My niece Emily turned 9
- My niece Halie turned 12
- Tim & I spent a weekend in Chattanooga :0)
- My dear friend Gwen brought home Miss. Maggie
- There were lots of fun Christmas related activities. Parties, Caroling, Concerts, it was all lots of fun.
Can I just say this is probably the last time I do a year in review :0)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Year in Review--August
It was late in August, I joined the world of bloggers :0) Earlier in the month, before my blog,
Coy celebrated his 8th Birthday, August 6th.
We started his day out w/our traditional name/age birthday pancakes:

Headed on to Chuck-e-cheese for some good times:

Went for ice cream w/cousin Adrienne, she turned 16 on August 1st:

His official party was at the following weekend at the Bounce Factory:

Again, it felt like a birthday month :0)

Also in August:
Coy celebrated his 8th Birthday, August 6th.
We started his day out w/our traditional name/age birthday pancakes:
Headed on to Chuck-e-cheese for some good times:
Went for ice cream w/cousin Adrienne, she turned 16 on August 1st:
His official party was at the following weekend at the Bounce Factory:
Again, it felt like a birthday month :0)
Also in August:
- Two more camping trips, one to Cedar Creek. The other trip was a HOT weekend at Rock Island.
- We went to a Titan's game.
- The boys were back to school. Coy is in second grade, and Seth Pre-K.
Monday, January 7, 2008
2007 Year in Reiview--July
- Tim & I celebrated our 12th anniversary.
- I transferred from MTMC's float pool to the shared system float pool, and began working at St. Thomas, Baptist, and MTMC.
- I turned 33.
- Another family camping trip. This time to Dale Hollow:
Everyone loves to eat while we're camping--Coy & Seth feeding the trout:
Seth& Granny, snacking:
Papa, Bena, & Gramma enjoying some lunch:
2007 Year in Review--June
I went Hiking for the first time. We did 20 miles in 2 days. Carried all our supplies on our backs. It was quite an experience. I had never been before, and Joy was 5 months pregnant :0)
We are women hear us roar :0)

The view at the top was beautiful.

This is the cabin we hiked up to, and spent the night in. It was absolutely primative.

We had sleeping mats, but these were the bunks we slept on.

Also in June:
We are women hear us roar :0)
The view at the top was beautiful.
This is the cabin we hiked up to, and spent the night in. It was absolutely primative.
We had sleeping mats, but these were the bunks we slept on.
Also in June:
- My in-laws celebrated their 41st anniversary.
- VBS--Game Day Central
Saturday, January 5, 2008
2007 Year In Review :0) May
2007 Year in Review--February/March
- I ran my first 5K (Predators 5K), getting ready for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon.
- Got to take the boys to their first NHL hockey game.
- My parents celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary.
- Went to Chicago to a pre-school ministry conference @ Willow Creek.
- Bena aka Amanda turned 15.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Random & a Little Ridiculous :0)
PS. Anyone else out there still have your tree up?
2007 Year In Review :0) January
Seth turned 4. It seemed like a month long party :-) He shared Dora & Diego cupcakes w/Ms.Debbie @ pre-school (He & his teacher had the same birthday). His official birthday party was @ Chuck e Cheese for the 3rd year in a row--his choice. Gotta love Chuckie. He helped me make cupcakes on his birthday for the family & kids in the neighborhood.

Coy finally talked me into a mo-hawk. (Such a proud Mom moment :0)

Snow !!!!!!!!!

Coy finally talked me into a mo-hawk. (Such a proud Mom moment :0)

Snow !!!!!!!!!

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