Hope everyone has a safe, and fun Halloween. We'll be trick or treating w/the neighborhood kids tonight. The boys are both having parties at school today. This is one of Coy's favorite days of the year. He loves to see if he can get enough candy to last him until next Halloween :0) I always end up sending a ton to work w/Tim, and then throwing a bunch away. p.s. Don't tell my kids about that ;-) Anyway. Tim & I are going to Chattanooga after we get the boys off to school tomorrow. So, I won't be posting for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll have some nice stories to share after our get away. :0)
Never a dull moment. Always something happening. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. All of it together is What We Are Here For . . .
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Hope everyone has a safe, and fun Halloween. We'll be trick or treating w/the neighborhood kids tonight. The boys are both having parties at school today. This is one of Coy's favorite days of the year. He loves to see if he can get enough candy to last him until next Halloween :0) I always end up sending a ton to work w/Tim, and then throwing a bunch away. p.s. Don't tell my kids about that ;-) Anyway. Tim & I are going to Chattanooga after we get the boys off to school tomorrow. So, I won't be posting for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll have some nice stories to share after our get away. :0)
Monday, October 29, 2007
What's In Your Back Yard?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Finally a Post :-)
Since posting pictures from Mexico, we have been non-stop.
The week after I returned I worked my usual two nights, and also taught 2 CPR classes on my off night. I was wiped by the weekend, and caught a little cold. The cold only lasted a couple of days though. Now all is well, and returning to somewhat "normal." If there is such a thing. :-)
Seth has finished baseball. His team went 10-0. Seth learned so much about baseball this season. His coach was always so positive. They are going to celebrate their season w/ a party at The Snappy Tomato. It is a new pizza buffet place here in Smyrna. It is really good. We tried it out the other day :-)
Coy finished his first six weeks of school. He is doing well. I have been a little unsure of his teacher this year, but so far, things are going fine. The PTO sponsored a movie night last night, so I spent all day yesterday at the school popping popcorn. I have a new appreciation for movie theater workers :-) We sat on our bean bags on the gym floor, and watched Meet the Robinsons. It was a fun time.
Tim has been working a lot of overtime. He doesn't like to work extra, and I really don't blame him. Thankfully, they cancelled todays overtime, and he has this Thursday & Friday off :-)
We are planning a nice little weekend get away. My in-laws, and my mom have agreed to watch the boys. We are going to go to Chattanooga, and spend a couple of nights. :-) I reserved a dinner cruise Friday night. I saw a few other things on line that looked like they might be fun. If any of you have a suggestion as to something you've done, and loved in Chattanooga--I'd love to hear about it.
Well that about catches us up. Until the next post :-)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Overwhelmed With Emotions. . .
Excitement--40 decisions were made for Christ. All glory, and praise be to God.
Sadness--There were many we saw, and shared the gospel w/that just choose to walk away.
Peace--I have been blessed beyond measure to journey to Mexico 4 times. My family has willingly sacrificed, so that I could experience this spiritual growth. Tonight, as my boys were going to bed, we prayed together. Coy led, Seth went second, and I closed. I almost couldn't hold back the tears, when both of them prayed thanking God for my time in Mexico, and my safe travel home.
Joy--The members of Primera Iglesia Bautista treat us like we are church members one in the same as they are. They welcome us w/open arms. The feelings are incredible-working along side such wonderful people.
Love--I am so very thankful for the many relationships I have made on trips past & present. God has been so sweet to allow many of us to experience this multiple times. Each time our mission family bond seems to be put to the test. Each time I walk away with more love for each mission member. Just a few things I appreciate about each of our mission family members:
- Rick- Your leadership, and guidance. You encourage us all to step out of our comfort zone, and grow in our walk.
- Agnes- You are so very thoughtful of all of our feelings, and strive for everyone to be taken care of.
- Lenny- Your words of inspiration.
- Michael Burch- Your flexibility, and you are an excellent driver.
- Terry Burch- Your encouragement.
- Wayne- How big your heart is.
- Dick- Your never-ending hard work.
- Terry Stoner- How gentle and calm you always are.
- Matt- The way you are such a go getter.
- Tabitha- Your never-ending energy.
- Charlotte- How you care for others.
- Teresa- Your heart for missions.
- Sharon- Your willingness to help wherever needed.
- Courtney-Your hunger to grow in your walk.
- Dave- Your never-ending hard work.
- Cat- Your heart for missions.
- Callie- You are a sweet spirit.
- Kennedy- How you walked right beside us in everything we did.
- Darby & Kristi- The countless hours of giggling. Being able to share even our most raw emotions with each other with out fear. How even when I am overwhelmed, and take it out on you--you girls love me anyway.
Each & everyone of you holds a special place in my heart.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Prayer Requests
- Please Pray for Tim, Coy, & Seth----Tomorrow I leave for Nuevo Laredo. Each trip I have been excited to see what God will do this time. I also get a little anxious. The first trip, I had never been away from the kids for more than overnight. They did wonderfully. In fact, hardly even minded my being gone. I am thankful that they have done so well, and greatful for those who help while I am away.
- Travel Mercies----Rick & Agnes (the dentist, and his wife) are driving to Mexico, with supplies. They left Wednesday evening, and will not arrive at the church until Friday morning. The ten remaining members will fly out Friday morning. We return on Thursday Oct 11th.
- Safety----Nuevo Laredo is a border city to the U.S. They have made the news many times for things related to drugs/gangs. The local police are corrupt, and federal police are present (w/machine guns), watching over them. That being said, I have never felt at all uneasy about my safety while there.
- Wisdom----Darby & I are nurses, and we basically are treated like we are doctors while we are there. It is very much out of my comfort zone. This is the fourth trip, and I am yet to feel "ready" to act in this role. It takes me getting there, and just doing stuff to "get into the groove."
- Communication----The closest I have ever come to speaking in tongue was on a mission trip. We were in the middle of clinic, and the translator was spread thin. A lady sat in my chair, and began speaking to me in Spanish. I was able to understand her, and spoke back to her. Did I mention I don't really speak Spanish? (I can't wait for the day in heaven when it's not "my country so everyone here should speak my language"-- that's a soap box for another post :-)
- God's Will----My first mission trip to Mexico was in Sept. 2005. I went w/my own set of expectations. I soon discovered that I should not limit God w/my "list of things to do." May everything we do be only for the glory of our Gracious Heavenly Father.