Never a dull moment. Always something happening. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly. All of it together is What We Are Here For . . .
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
What a Wonderful Time of the Year.
The boys were up bright & early, and played non-stop. They both got Heelys. Coy had one pair of ripped jeans, and a skinned up knee before he figured them out. Now he can do turns, and thinks he is the Heely master. :0) Seth is not so sure, but has enjoyed wearing them--looking oh so cool. They are both trying to learn there new Nintendo DS, and have enjoyed chatting w/each other more than any of the games.
Both sets of grandparents, and Bena came over for dinner. As usual we all ate too much, and needed a nap. Seth & I ended up falling asleep about 6:15pm. I woke up around 8:00pm. Seth slept until the next morning @ 7:30. :0) Coy & I ended up staying up 'till almost 2am watching Transformers. Fun Times :0)
Tim has been on vacation this week, and so I have worked 3 nights. I am glad to be done for the week. Hope to have some R & R this weekend. Here are some pics, enjoy. . .
Seth jamin' on his Lightning McQueen MP3
There must be Santa--Mom would never have bought a Nerf Dart Tag :0)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
You Are Invited to a Birthday Celebration for Jesus . . .
As you well know, we are getting closer to My birthday. Every year there is a celebration in my honor. I think that this year the celebration will be repeated. During this time, there are many people shopping for gifts. There are many radio announcements and TV commercials. In every part of the world, everyone is talking about my birthday getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know that at least once a year, some people think of Me. As you know, the celebration of My birthday began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them. In these times; however, no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun, but they don't know the meaning of the celebration.
I remember that last year there was a great feast in my honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts and chocolates. The decorations were exquisite, and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts. But, do you want to know something? I wasn't invited. I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send Me an invitation. The party was for Me, but when that great day came, I was left outside, they closed the door in My face...and I wanted to be with them and share their table.
In truth, that didn't surprise Me because in the last few years many close their doors to Me. Since I wasn't invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking; there were some who were drunk, and telling jokes and laughing at everything. Then this large man dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room with a loud Ho-Ho-Ho! All the children ran to him, saying: "Santa Claus, Santa Claus," as if the party were in his honor! Why did they all know this man, but had no idea who I was?
At 12 Midnight all the people began to hug each other. I extended My arms waiting for someone to hug me, and do you know no one hugged me. Suddenly, they all began to share lavish gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened, I looked to see if maybe there was one for Me. How would you feel if on your birthday everybody shared gifts and you did not get one? I then understood that I was unwanted at that party, and quietly left. Every year it gets worse. People only remember to eat and drink, the gifts, the parties and nobody remembers Me.
I would like this Christmas that you allow Me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came to this world to give My life for you-- on the cross, to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart. I want to share something with you. Though many didn't invite Me to their party, I am planning My own celebration. A grandiose party that no one has ever imagined. A spectacular party. I'm still making the final arrangements.
Today I am sending out many invitations, and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend. If you do, I will make a reservation for you. I will write your name with golden letters in My great guest book. Only those on who respond will be admitted to the party. Those who don't answer the invitation...or answer no, will be left outside. Be prepared. When all is ready, you will want to be part of My great party. It will be ready before you know it.
I Love you,
PS: Please share this message with your loved ones before Christmas.
A friend sent me this in an e-mail. I thought it would be nice to share. We are having a Birthday Celebration for Jesus tomorrow, Thursday 12-20. We will start at 4:00. (Sorry I didn't post this earlier) The plan is to have pizza & cake & bake/decorate cookies for the families we will go caroling to. I will be telling the Christmas Story, and then we will decorate our caroling books. We have 6 Senior adult families to visit, and spread some Christmas joy to. We'd love for you to join us.
:0) Kelly
Send a Hero a Card
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Computer Is Not My Friend
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Finally Back On
Friday, November 30, 2007
& The Winner Is . . . Chili Supper Fun Fun Fun :0)
They have a silent auction for different themed baskets. Last year, Coy conned me into the Titan basket. I think I paid like $75.00--CRAZY--It didn't even have tickets to a game. I told him not to even ask to bid on a basket this year. Surprisingly--he didn't even ask :0) They are fun to browse though.
And then there is the chili & hot dogs. You can't get much better than a bowl of chili & a hot dog at an elementary school on a Friday night. Boy have we got a kickin' social life :0)
Santa was there, too. We had a nice little photo op w/the jolly old guy . . .
Coy & Seth
Last, but certainly not least, the DOOR PRIZES :0)
Between Grandparents, and our own tickets. We won several things. A yummy sugar cookie smelling candle, $20.00 to Blue Coast Burrito (I love Blue Coast), a Logans bucket full of peanuts w/coupons for 2 free appetizers, a tin of cookies from the cakewalk, and a family fun pack for four adults, and four kids to any Saturday night race in 2008 @ the Music City Raceway. How cool is that? We never win anything. Winning is fun :0)
I'm thinkin' we're gonna go to Blue Coast for lunch, and Logan's for Supper tomorrow :0)
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Watson Family Just Got Elfed :0)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Black Friday Shopping Spree :0)
I meant to post this the other day, but time flies when you are having fun. . . Tim won a car. It's a Nissan QX56 Infiniti. The Mac Daddy of SUV's :0) It's white w/chrome accent, fully loaded, all leather interior. He played a football game at work, and was one of four to win . . . We only get to keep it for the weekend, but it is really nice. The boys think it is COOL. When we were leaving the movie last night, Tim went to get the car. I walke outside with the boys, and Coy starts saying "yeah that's our ride." All pimp daddy like. :0) It definitely stands out.
Well I am going to go finish up w/the outside lights, so blog @ ya later :0)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What Are You Thankful For?
What are you thankful for?
Here are there answers:
Seth: Momma & Daddy, Me & Coy, Max, and Spirit & Honey.
Coy: My house, Mom & Dad, Seth, PlayStation 2, my pets.
Then I said, Do you know what it means to be thankful?
Seth said, "I don't know, just because I know." :0)
Coy said, "To be happy you have that stuff." :0)
I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for. . .
God's grace
my husband
my boys
my family
my church family
a warm home filled with more stuff than we could ever really need
our health
a flexible job
warm sunny days
a good book
opportunities to grow in my faith
experiences that change my perspective
more than i could ever list here :0)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Seth is a Super Star :0)
We went to Seth's school today for a Thanksgiving lunch. The kids sang. Seth actually participated :0) My kids usually just stand there, and pout. They don't usually sing, let alone do the motions. Check him out. He's in the middle on the back row, in a blue shirt, and featherd hat :0) I think he is a super star :0)
Friday, November 16, 2007
What's been happening . . .
Last Friday night, the boys helped me make corn casserole, and chocolate cake for Room @ the Inn. It is a ministry of our church: We took our part of the meal to church, and shared it w/homeless men from the Nashville area. It was a humbling experience. The boys were playing around w/the guys, and played some checkers. Talked about school/life. It was something I'd like to do more often. Fortunately/Unfortunately--there are so many people that want to participate, there are no other spots for us to sign up for :-( I told the coordinator to call me if any came available.
After church, we went to Emily's 9th birthday party. She was kind enough to save the pinata, until the boys got there. That is there favorite part of birthdays. I hear Emily is wearing out the "Troy" slippers I found her. :0) Got to wish my niece, Halie, a Happy Birthday on Sunday. She is in RI. Unfortunately, we don't get to visit often, and don't get to talk much either. We are going to try to start writing. I talked to the boys about it, and they are excited to have pen pals. Carlie and Halie :-)
I ended up working Saturday, because they had cancelled me on Tuesday. Tim also had to work, so the kids hung out w/Grandma. Tim has been working a lot of overtime. Don't get me wrong it is a good time of year for extra $, but he hates working extra. It makes him slightly cranky :0). They are working again tomorrow :-( Thankfully, I will be off. I worked my usual Sunday night/Tuesday night this week.
Wednesday night, the boys & I went to church. Seth's class sang a couple Christmas songs. We haven't been going regularly on Wednesdays, so I didn't have him perform. He wouldn't have liked it. He's kind of shy about stuff like that. Anyway, after the kids sang, everyone helped pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan's Purse sends shoe boxes, or shoebox size totes w/small toys, school supplies, soap, washcloths, toothpaste, etc. all over the world to children that would otherwise not have anything for Christmas. During VBS this summer, the kids made "Jesus Loves You" Bears. One went into each box. It started out a little crazy--the boys get a little over excited in crowds, and I had not slept very much, :0). It turned out to be a nice experience.
There are so many needs, not only this time of year, but they just seem to be pointed out more during this season. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed. I really want the boys to serve. Not JUST out of obedience, but because they see how much need there is, and WANT to make a difference. I want to make a difference, and pray that God keeps me on track.
This morning, Seth & I headed off to Coy's school for awards day. He got perfect attendance. He got a gift certificate to Fazoli's & free ice cream from the cafeteria at school. Pretty good motivation to show up everyday :-)
Winding down the week . . . Tim was kind enough last night to tuck the boys in by himself, so I could go hang out w/Darby & Kristi for a little while. We had some YUMMY dessert--just because :0). It was the highlight of my week. :0)
That about sums it up. Need to get back to cleaning. . . FUN--FUN Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Prayer Request
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Since My Last Post . . .
Friday we were going to do all the Chattanooga sites the Incline Railway, Rock City, and Ruby Falls. After Rock City and Ruby Falls, we were ready for a nap. :-) So we went back to the hotel & took a nap. Well I slept. Tim watched TV. Friday night we went on the Southern Belle dinner cruise. It was nice, too. Good food, good music, straight up good times :0)
Saturday we slept a little later than usual. Had a really nice FREE breakfast --make your own waffles -- at the hotel. We got checked out, and headed back downtown. They were having a rowing event. There were 5000 rowers, and all their friends. It was kind of neat to check out the happenings, but we didn't stay down in the crowd too long. We went on to the incline railway, since we had purchased our tickets as a package deal. It was pretty neat, too.
My favorite of all the places was Rock City. We've been there before, but it has been a while. We actually went there on our honeymoon 12 years ago. It is really a beautiful place. It renews my awe for God's power & creativity.
Then . . .
Back to reality :0)
We arrived home late Saturday afternoon, and picked the boys up from my mom's house. They were actually not too bad until Sunday evening. I was trying to take my nap & watch the football game, as I usually do because I work Sunday night shift. Seth came into the house very upset at his brother. I am not going to embarrass him by going into the details of the story, but Coy was not very nice at all. He got himself grounded for the entire week from TV, computer, and video games--he can't even use his mp3. Then, he goes and gets in a fight w/one of the neighbors yesterday off the bus. So to add to his grounding he is not allowed to play w/anyone all week, and is going to bed at 7:30. Yikes I am at my wits end w/him. I keep trying to remind myself that "this too shall pass" I just wonder what's next. It is hard for me not to get pessimistic, when he acts this way. I am hopeful that after a week of tough love he'll figure some things out. I'd appreciate your prayers.
I'm going to try to post pictures from Chattanooga tomorrow. Until then . . . Happy Blogging :0)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Hope everyone has a safe, and fun Halloween. We'll be trick or treating w/the neighborhood kids tonight. The boys are both having parties at school today. This is one of Coy's favorite days of the year. He loves to see if he can get enough candy to last him until next Halloween :0) I always end up sending a ton to work w/Tim, and then throwing a bunch away. p.s. Don't tell my kids about that ;-) Anyway. Tim & I are going to Chattanooga after we get the boys off to school tomorrow. So, I won't be posting for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll have some nice stories to share after our get away. :0)
Monday, October 29, 2007
What's In Your Back Yard?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Finally a Post :-)
Since posting pictures from Mexico, we have been non-stop.
The week after I returned I worked my usual two nights, and also taught 2 CPR classes on my off night. I was wiped by the weekend, and caught a little cold. The cold only lasted a couple of days though. Now all is well, and returning to somewhat "normal." If there is such a thing. :-)
Seth has finished baseball. His team went 10-0. Seth learned so much about baseball this season. His coach was always so positive. They are going to celebrate their season w/ a party at The Snappy Tomato. It is a new pizza buffet place here in Smyrna. It is really good. We tried it out the other day :-)
Coy finished his first six weeks of school. He is doing well. I have been a little unsure of his teacher this year, but so far, things are going fine. The PTO sponsored a movie night last night, so I spent all day yesterday at the school popping popcorn. I have a new appreciation for movie theater workers :-) We sat on our bean bags on the gym floor, and watched Meet the Robinsons. It was a fun time.
Tim has been working a lot of overtime. He doesn't like to work extra, and I really don't blame him. Thankfully, they cancelled todays overtime, and he has this Thursday & Friday off :-)
We are planning a nice little weekend get away. My in-laws, and my mom have agreed to watch the boys. We are going to go to Chattanooga, and spend a couple of nights. :-) I reserved a dinner cruise Friday night. I saw a few other things on line that looked like they might be fun. If any of you have a suggestion as to something you've done, and loved in Chattanooga--I'd love to hear about it.
Well that about catches us up. Until the next post :-)
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Overwhelmed With Emotions. . .
Excitement--40 decisions were made for Christ. All glory, and praise be to God.
Sadness--There were many we saw, and shared the gospel w/that just choose to walk away.
Peace--I have been blessed beyond measure to journey to Mexico 4 times. My family has willingly sacrificed, so that I could experience this spiritual growth. Tonight, as my boys were going to bed, we prayed together. Coy led, Seth went second, and I closed. I almost couldn't hold back the tears, when both of them prayed thanking God for my time in Mexico, and my safe travel home.
Joy--The members of Primera Iglesia Bautista treat us like we are church members one in the same as they are. They welcome us w/open arms. The feelings are incredible-working along side such wonderful people.
Love--I am so very thankful for the many relationships I have made on trips past & present. God has been so sweet to allow many of us to experience this multiple times. Each time our mission family bond seems to be put to the test. Each time I walk away with more love for each mission member. Just a few things I appreciate about each of our mission family members:
- Rick- Your leadership, and guidance. You encourage us all to step out of our comfort zone, and grow in our walk.
- Agnes- You are so very thoughtful of all of our feelings, and strive for everyone to be taken care of.
- Lenny- Your words of inspiration.
- Michael Burch- Your flexibility, and you are an excellent driver.
- Terry Burch- Your encouragement.
- Wayne- How big your heart is.
- Dick- Your never-ending hard work.
- Terry Stoner- How gentle and calm you always are.
- Matt- The way you are such a go getter.
- Tabitha- Your never-ending energy.
- Charlotte- How you care for others.
- Teresa- Your heart for missions.
- Sharon- Your willingness to help wherever needed.
- Courtney-Your hunger to grow in your walk.
- Dave- Your never-ending hard work.
- Cat- Your heart for missions.
- Callie- You are a sweet spirit.
- Kennedy- How you walked right beside us in everything we did.
- Darby & Kristi- The countless hours of giggling. Being able to share even our most raw emotions with each other with out fear. How even when I am overwhelmed, and take it out on you--you girls love me anyway.
Each & everyone of you holds a special place in my heart.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Prayer Requests
- Please Pray for Tim, Coy, & Seth----Tomorrow I leave for Nuevo Laredo. Each trip I have been excited to see what God will do this time. I also get a little anxious. The first trip, I had never been away from the kids for more than overnight. They did wonderfully. In fact, hardly even minded my being gone. I am thankful that they have done so well, and greatful for those who help while I am away.
- Travel Mercies----Rick & Agnes (the dentist, and his wife) are driving to Mexico, with supplies. They left Wednesday evening, and will not arrive at the church until Friday morning. The ten remaining members will fly out Friday morning. We return on Thursday Oct 11th.
- Safety----Nuevo Laredo is a border city to the U.S. They have made the news many times for things related to drugs/gangs. The local police are corrupt, and federal police are present (w/machine guns), watching over them. That being said, I have never felt at all uneasy about my safety while there.
- Wisdom----Darby & I are nurses, and we basically are treated like we are doctors while we are there. It is very much out of my comfort zone. This is the fourth trip, and I am yet to feel "ready" to act in this role. It takes me getting there, and just doing stuff to "get into the groove."
- Communication----The closest I have ever come to speaking in tongue was on a mission trip. We were in the middle of clinic, and the translator was spread thin. A lady sat in my chair, and began speaking to me in Spanish. I was able to understand her, and spoke back to her. Did I mention I don't really speak Spanish? (I can't wait for the day in heaven when it's not "my country so everyone here should speak my language"-- that's a soap box for another post :-)
- God's Will----My first mission trip to Mexico was in Sept. 2005. I went w/my own set of expectations. I soon discovered that I should not limit God w/my "list of things to do." May everything we do be only for the glory of our Gracious Heavenly Father.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
The boys love to monkey around. They are always climbing something. I cherish the times they play happily together. Some days those times are few & far between. Today, though, is a good day. Thanks be to God. When we were pregnant w/Coy, we could not wait to find out what we were having. It didn't matter, boy or girl, we would be happy. We just wanted to know, so we could "be ready." Everyone was thrilled to have a boy in the family. There were no boys on Kelly's side. Coy came & rocked our world. He has been all boy & then some :-). When we were pregnant w/Seth, we really wanted a little girl. Partly because Coy boy was so much work, and partly because-- well wouldn't that just be the ideal family? One boy one girl. Well God knew what he was doing, obviously, Seth was the perfect addition to our family. He is also all boy, but in a little more laid back kind of way ;-). I love them both tremendously, and wouldn't trade God's plan in for anything. We do not plan to birth any more children ourselves, but are open to God's plan for growing our family. Right now I will do my best to keep up w/the two little monkeys I have . . .
Support Mexico Missions :-)

Back (top center logo sized image):

Two weeks & counting. WOW! It hardly seems possible, that we are about to head back to Mexico. This will be our fourth trip, and the only thing I expect is not to expect anything. I learned not to limit God by expecting to do certain "planned" things. He has grown me each trip, and I can not wait to grow some more. We will be flying out on Friday, October 5th. Those driving there leave on Oct. 3rd. We will return on Thursday October 11th. I would appreciate your prayers for our group, and God's work to be done.
We have designed a t-shirt to support our missions. It is actually a darker blue than is in this picture, but you can get a general idea. If you would like to support our team by purchasing a t-shirt, they are $15.00. Leave me a comment, or send me an e-mail, and I will order you one.
We are also still collecting chewable childrens vitamins @ the church.
Your prayers, and support are greatly appreciated.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
Coy got a hold of my digital camera, and has started making little videos. He made this one back in August, on the day of his 8th birthday. It was the second one he had made that day. He called them his "wild animal adventures." He really cracks me up, with his creativity. The whole video is pretty funny, but it is 9 minutes long, so I had to edit it down to the part that I almost peed my pants watching. This is the ending. Please take a moment to go look at it, It is so stinkin' funny. I plan to use it at his wedding :-) Oh how I love my children . . .
Friday, September 7, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Seth is an Angel
Monday, September 3, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
Here are the 3 Amigas in our Home away from Home in Mexico. Kristi, Darby, and I have shared a room on each trip. We have made memories that I will cherish my whole life time. I thank God for them everyday. Counting down to October Girly's :-)
Getting Ready for Another Mission

Friday, August 24, 2007
Favorite Photo Friday
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One Week Down--Many More to Go : - )
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Boys and Their Hasmters

First Time for Everything
This is What We Are Here For . . .